We get privacy

Privacy Act, GDPR, CCPA, and more

We enable compliance with the privacy regulations you want to adhere to. You get to program in the compliance and not rely on training or interpretation of individuals.

  • Using obfuscation, there is no way to tell the owner or final destination of a Tumbled™ address.
  • Whether in a data dump, screenshot or group email, privacy is maintained.

We enable compliance with the privacy regulations you want to adhere to. You get to program in the compliance and not rely on training or interpretation of individuals.

  • Use triggers or web-hooks to inform MailTumble about the opt-in or suppression of a recipient.
  • Instantly opt-out or suppress a user email across all vendors and channels
Delivery Checks

Compliance can be

Since the dawn of email and Privacy laws, we have had to rely on human interpretation of privacy requirements. We’ve upended this so it need not be left to chance, interpretation or hope and a prayer.


Privacy Compliance Check